After completing one semester previously on team-based learning I felt that working in my new group this semester would be a breeze. Little did I realize that working with new group members completely changes the socialization, norms, and processes of the team as a whole. For the Service Learning Project, my team has good communication skills and cooperates with each other for the most part. As far as team beginnings, we have come to understand it truly is a slow start. With the many phone calls, emails, and ideas we are having trouble landing on one solid idea for our Service Learning Project. As Levi explains, understanding the stage theories helps explain why groups do most of their productive work during the later stages of projects. I am hoping one we get over this hill, as all groups face conflict, we will become much more efficient. After getting out of the storming stages, I believe my group has the ability to perform the assignment successful with our improving group dynamics. For help on improving group cohesiveness and team building go to http://www.mascsa.psu.edu/dave/Group-Cohesion-and-Team-Building.pdf.
So What
Because we are a new group, it is hard to get away from social loafing. For more information about social loafing go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_loafing. We try to please each other and support other’s ideas, however in order to be most efficient it is essential to have open communication. We are all motivated individuals, therefore like to all have input on decisions for our group. This may be causing a part of the issue we are having being indecisive. I think once we buckle down on an idea, we are going to do great because of our commitment and hard work.
Now What
Completing task behaviors, while maintaining social behaviors, and gaining individual benefit is our goal. As a strong-willed team, I feel that our competition is against ourselves to do the best we can do. After the struggles to come up with a project idea, we are now settling down and finalizing our ideas through stronger leadership in our group process. For more information on strong leaders in the group process go to http://www.clarityconceptsinc.com/leadershipgroupproc.pdf.